Ayuda financiera Asistencia financiera

La Desert Care Network ofrece varios programas de ayuda financiera para pacientes con cobertura de seguro limitada o inexistente. Nuestro personal designado guiará e identificará todas las opciones disponibles basadas en las reglas y regulaciones del gobierno y del hospital. Si le interesa inscribirse en un plan de seguro médico para personas individuales o familias, obtenga más información sobre sus opciones.

Obtenga más información sobre las opciones gubernamentales

Programa de Elegibilidad Médica (PEM)

El Programa de Elegibilidad Médica es un servicio que se le proporciona a usted sin costo alguno. Este programa pagado por el gobierno puede cubrir todos o parte de sus gastos hospitalarios y médicos si usted cumple con algunos de los siguientes requisitos:

  • Ser menor de 21 años o mayor de 65 años
  • Estar embarazada o tener hijos en el hogar
  • Estar potencialmente incapacitado
  • Ser víctima de un delito

Programas gubernamentales

  • Medicaid
  • Medi-Cal
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Asistencia temporal para familias necesitadas)
  • Social Security Disability (Seguridad Social por Discapacidad)
  • Supplemental Security Income (Ingresos suplementarios de seguridad)
  • Indigentes del condado
  • Victims of a Violent Crime Fund (Fondo para las víctimas de delitos violentos)

Programa de Atención de Beneficencia

Para los pacientes que no tienen los medios para pagar los gastos de hospital o calificar para los programas gubernamentales, la Charity Care (Atención benéfica) puede estar disponible. Si los ingresos de su hogar están por debajo del 350 % del límite federal de pobreza o si su desembolso directo por gastos médicos excedió el 10 % de los ingresos de su hogar en los últimos 12 meses, usted puede calificar para este programa de ayuda. Para ser considerado para este programa de asistencia, se le pedirá que proporcione información sobre las finanzas de su hogar a través de una solicitud financiera confidencial. Se le solicitará documentación para verificar sus circunstancias a fin de determinar su elegibilidad. Comuníquese con el Centro de Ayuda Financiera a través del (888) 233-7868, de lunes a viernes, de 6:00 a. m. a 6:00 p. m., hora del Pacífico para obtener información adicional. 

Programa de Descuentos para Personas Sin Seguro

Los pacientes que no tienen seguro son elegibles para nuestros descuentos Compact with Uninsured. Nuestros defensores de pacientes del hospital lo ayudarán a comprender las reglas de elegibilidad para el Programa de descuentos para personas sin seguro.

Es posible que haya un servicio de asesoramiento de crédito sin fines de lucro disponible en su área.  Comuníquese con un defensor de pacientes: (866) 904-6871

Our hospital is committed to providing quality care to our community. To keep that commitment, we must work with you and your insurance carrier to help manage costs.

Our hospital requests payment for services at the time of discharge from the Outpatient and Emergency Departments. A Patient Access staff member will notify you of your financial obligation, such as insurance co-payments or self-pay responsibility. This will be collected during the discharge process. There are organizations (such as the Health Consumer Alliance at https://healthconsumer.org) that can help you understand the billing and payment process. You can find a list of shoppable services offered by our hospital on our Hospital Pricing Page.

For patients who do not have insurance coverage, there are alternate funding and payment plan options offered by our hospital. Our Patient Access staff will work with you to identify the best payment option based on government or hospital rules and regulations. The following is an overview of the financial assistance programs provided by our hospital.

Eligibility and Enrollment Services (EES)

The Eligibility and Enrollment Services Program is a hospital service provided to you at no cost. You may qualify for government programs, or for coverage thru the California Health Exchange, which would pay for all or part of your hospital and medical expenses. Our Patient Advocates will provide applications and are available to assist you in the application process.

Charity Care Program—Financial Assistance

A Financial Assistance Program is available to patients that do not have the means to pay for hospital expenses and do not qualify for any Medical Eligibility Programs. You may qualify if your household income is below 400% of the federal poverty limit and you are either uninsured or have medical expenses that exceed 10% of your annual household income. To be considered for the financial assistance, you will be required to provide information on your household finances through a confidential Financial Application. Documentation will be requested to verify your circumstances in order to determine eligibility. Please contact EES at (800) 374-4637 for additional information.

Uninsured Discount Program

All Uninsured Patients are eligible for discounts. The discount is similar to rates paid by commercial insurance payors and is offered to you under an Uninsured Discount Program. A non-profit credit counseling service may be available in your area. Outside Assistance Programs For Which You May Qualify:
  • Medicaid/Medi-Cal
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • County Indigent
  • Social Security Disability
  • Victims of a Violent Crime Fund
  • Medical Low Income Adults
In addition, you may qualify for the Healthy Families Program, California Children's Services program or coverage through the California Health Exchange. In some cases, you may be eligible for coverage through Covered California or Medi-Cal for care that was provided prior to your application to these programs. Your EES representative can provide you with more information.

Contact Information: (800) 374-4637