Arthritis Pain Management

We Care About You and Your Pain

At Desert Care Network, we know how hard it can be for people with arthritis to carry out day-to-day tasks such as walking up the stairs or doing moderate to high-intensity exercises. If you’re suffering from this condition, the good thing is, our orthopedic physicians in Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley area are experienced in arthritis pain management, treatment and prevention. We are eager to help you get back the life you deserve.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is an umbrella term for different types of joint-related conditions which can affect people of all ages. In fact, more than 54 million people in the United States have arthritis, and it is considered the leading cause of work disability in the country. Arthritis comes in many types, but two of the most common ones are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as “wear and tear” arthritis or degenerative joint disease. As the most common type of arthritis, it usually affects the hips, knees and hands. The cartilage within the joint of people with OA breaks down. This causes the bone underneath to slowly change and get worse over time which may lead to reduced function or worse, disability.

Osteoarthritis does not “spread.” However, it may also affect other joints, especially if you change your gait or walking pattern to compensate for pain and lack of motion.

Signs and Symptoms of OA

The signs and symptoms of OA may come and go, and may also range from mild to severe. These may include the following:

  • Pain or aching
  • Limited range of motion or decreased flexibility
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling

Risk Factors for OA

The following factors may increase a person’s risk of having OA:

  • Family history of OA
  • Joint injury
  • Gender (women are more likely to have OA than men)
  • Obesity
  • Old age

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and inflammatory condition. This causes your immune system to incorrectly attack healthy cells in the body which may then lead to inflammation, pain and/or swelling in the affected body parts. RA usually affects the knee, hand and wrist joints. It may also affect other body tissues and cause complications in crucial organs such as the heart, eyes and lungs.

Signs and Symptoms of RA

Patients with RA may experience times of flare (when symptoms get worse) and times of remission (when symptoms get better). The common signs and symptoms of RA may include the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Pain or aching in more than one joint
  • Stiffness in more than one joint
  • Swelling and/or tenderness in more than one joint
  • Weakness
  • Weight loss

Risk Factors for RA

The following factors may increase a person’s risk of having OA:

  • Family history of RA
  • Gender (women are two to three times more likely to have RA than men do)
  • Obesity
  • Old age
  • Smoking
  • Women who have never given birth

How Is Arthritis Diagnosed?

If you experience arthritis symptoms, whether it’s OA or RA, please schedule an appointment with one of our orthopedic physicians in Palm Springs or the Coachella Valley area. Aside from reviewing your symptoms, your doctor may also conduct a physical exam and/or request an X-ray and some laboratory tests to understand the cause of your arthritis pain and to provide the best treatment options possible.

What Are the Treatment Options for Arthritis?

Unfortunately, there is still no cure for arthritis, but your doctor may offer treatment options and lifestyle changes that can help relieve your symptoms, keep them from getting worse and prevent further complications. Your doctor may also recommend strategies for arthritis pain management at home. These may include the following:

  • Losing weight
  • Medications (i.e., prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain relievers)
  • Physical therapy with muscle strengthening exercises
  • Slowly increasing joint-friendly physical activities
  • Surgery (i.e., hip or knee replacement)
  • Use of crutches or canes or a walker for support

How to Prevent Arthritis

Truth be told, some factors could make it hard for you to prevent arthritis. These may include your family medical history, age and gender (as mentioned, arthritis is more common in women). However, you can develop some habits that can help reduce your risk of developing arthritis pain and help manage your symptoms such as the following:

  • Consuming a healthy diet
  • Getting enough exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Practicing a healthy posture
  • Seeing your doctor regularly
  • Preventing joint injuries

Our Advanced Joint Replacement Program

Whether you’re experiencing mild, moderate or severe arthritis symptoms, our orthopedic physicians and staff at Desert Care Network are ready to provide the compassionate care and treatment you need to live a normal life. We usually recommend conservative treatment options first, such as pain medications, weight loss, physical therapy and exercises that can help keep your muscles strong and joints flexible.

If these are not enough, our physicians may recommend joint replacement which is designed to restore the function and eliminate the pain associated with arthritis of the , hip, knee or shoulder. This program offers minimally invasive surgical techniques and enhanced anesthesia approaches that lead to shorter hospital stays and faster recovery time.

Are You a Candidate for Joint Replacement?

Your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Joint damage as shown in X-ray results
  • Severe pain when doing routine activities such as standing and walking
  • Pain that keeps you awake at night

Why Choose Desert Care Network?

Desert Care Network is a healthcare leader for arthritis pain management and total hip and knee replacements in Palm Springs and Coachella Valley. Desert Regional Medical has received specialty certification from the Joint Commission for its program in Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement. But more than being recognized for its commitment to compassionate care and excellence, we are proud of how we genuinely care about our patients.

You’re not meant to live in pain. We’re here for you. Call 888-572-0084 to start get started.

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7 Common Home Workout Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Working out at home has multiple advantages. It’s convenient, cost-efficient, you have access to the equipment you need all the time and it also can make a good bonding activity with your loved ones. However, workout injuries can happen anytime, even at home, especially when you’re lifting weights or doing a high-intensity routine with improper posture and form. Some people also tend to workout excessively at home which may tear up muscles and/or aggravate existing injuries or conditions such as joint or knee pain.

Before we discuss some ways to prevent experiencing injuries, let’s first take a look at the common home workout injuries below.

7 Common Home Workout Injuries

Sprains or injuries to ligaments due to accidental twists

Muscle or tendon injuries from not warming up

Tendinitis or inflammation of a tendon due to overuse

Lower back pain due to lifting with improper form

Hip or knee pain due to excessive workouts

Hamstring pull caused by quick, unexpected movements

Shoulder impingement due to excessive overhead actions with bad form

How to Prevent Home Workout Injuries

Here are some ways to prevent experiencing the common home workout injuries.

1. Warm up and cool down.

Stretching, brisk walking and/or jogging in place before working out can help prepare your muscles and your heart rate for your routine, prevent strain and avoid breathing problems. Doing these after workout can also help cool your body down and slowly help your heart rate get back to normal.

2. Practice proper form and posture.

Maintaining good form and posture can help you effectively exercise the right muscles as well as prevent joint, shoulder and back pain.

3. Wear a good pair of shoes with arch support.

Long workouts and multiple repetitions can put stress on your joints and feet, so be sure to wear a good pair of shoes to avoid any chance of inflammation or injury. If you prefer doing high-impact exercises, it would be best to invest in a pair of running shoes with good cushioning.

4. Use mats to prevent joint pain and slipping accidents.

It’s not advisable to work out on a carpet, hardwood, cement or even rugs and towels as they can lead to slipping accidents. The best choice is a thick exercise or yoga mat, especially when your workout incudes jumps, planks and other exercises that require you to lay down.

5. Don’t push yourself too hard.

Listening to your body is key. If you feel like you can’t take one more set, then stop and start cooling down after a few minutes. Don’t push yourself beyond your limit to avoid tendon inflammation, muscle tears, sprains and joint pain.

6. Let your body recover.

Your muscles require time to recover. Remember to get enough sleep, eat enough protein and schedule your workouts in a way that you can still rest, especially if you came from a sedentary lifestyle and started working out just recently.

Final Thoughts

If you experience any of these home workout injuries, please consult a doctor as soon as possible to prevent greater health risks in the future. For life-threatening emergencies such as fractures and heavy bleeding, please call 911. Stay safe!

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