What To Know When Your Heart Skips a Beat

Nov 29, 2016

Join Dr. Kotak for a Seminar on Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
December 13 at Sun City Palm Desert

kamal-kotakJust like your home, your heart has an electrical system. And as problems with your home’s electricity can cause your lights to flicker, problems with your heart’s electrical system can cause the heart to “fibrillate” or beat very rapidly.  When this happens, the heart can’t pump blood properly throughout the body. The blood may pool in the chambers of the heart, causing blood clots to form, which can cause heart failure or stroke.

Atrial fibrillation, or AFIB, is one of the most common heart irregularities, affecting approximately 2.6 million people in the United States.Join Dr. Kamal Kotak, an electrophysiologist with Desert Regional Medical Center, for a free seminar about “What To Know When Your Heart Skips a Beat” on Tuesday, December 13 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Sun City Palm Desert. Dr. Kotak will explain what is happening to your body with atrial fibrillation and discuss treatment options. To register for this seminar call (800) 491-4990.

Some People Feel No Symptoms at All – Until A Heart Attack or Stroke

Many people with atrial fibrillation feel definite symptoms, including fainting, palpitations, dizziness, paleness, shortness of breath and sweating. An arrhythmia, or irregular heart beat, may be present all of the time or it may come and go. You may only notice symptoms when you are more active. But the shocking truth is that some people may not feel any symptoms and the only symptom of complications of arrhythmia they may ever experience is heart attack, stroke and even sudden cardiac death. That’s why it is important to seek medical help and begin treatment if you develop any symptoms of a possible arrhythmia or if you have a history of heart disease – since heart disorders can increase your risk of developing arrhythmias.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is diagnosed through an electrocardiogram, which measures the heart’s electrical impulses. In some cases, atrial fibrillation resolves on its own. Other times, an underlying condition such as an over-active thyroid, hypertension, diabetes, chronic lung disease, or heart valve disease must be treated. Medications may be prescribed to prevent blood clots or control heart rate. However, medications are not a permanent solution and long-term use can have side effects. Cardioversion, another treatment option, can be recommended to shock the heart back to a normal rhythm by delivering a jolt of electricity to the heart. However, if these efforts are not successful, doctors may recommend atrial fibrillation ablation. 

About Cardiac Ablation

With ablation, electrophysiologists can actually locate the specific heart cells that are causing electrical problems.  By deactivating the cells that are misfiring in the heart, normal hearth rhythm can be restored.  This can be done without the need for open-heart surgery. Patients who undergo this treatment typically require only a single night’s stay at the hospital before returning to their normal lives.

To learn more about AFIB and get your questions answered, join Dr. Kotak for a free seminar at Sun City Palm Desert on Tuesday, December 13 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. to register for this event call (800) 491-4990.

You’re Invited
What to Know if Your Heart Skips a Beat
Speaker: Kamal Kotak, MD, Electrophysiologist
Tuesday, December 13, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sun City Palm Desert
36890 Del Webb Blvd, Palm Desert

RSVP:  (800) 491-4990 

Dr. Kotak is an independent contractor and is not an employee, agent or representative of Desert Regional Medical Center. He is solely responsible for the provision of his medical services to his patients.

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